We would like to let our Guests know that we will go to every length to assure your booking goes smoothly, that we aim for a high quality of service in the hope that your dive trips with us turn out to be truly positive experiences. However, things do sometimes go wrong. This is why we have included the following legal matters. These legal terms are here for “worst case” scenario.

We do not always rely on these terms and will endeavour, when possible, to find more amicable and reasonable solutions to any arising issues. These terms and conditions are here should we need them, not because we must use them. This being said, by booking any activity with Reeflex Divers Penida you unconditionally agree to the General Terms and Conditions of Sales (referred to as our GTCS) stated below. Additionally you, hereafter referred to as the “Guest(s)” endorse without reserve the following statement:


« I hereby certify and acknowledge that I understand that my acceptance on a diving and/or snorkeling program organized and conducted by Reeflex Divers Penida, is conditioned by my assurance that I am physically fit to engage in open water scuba diving, and that I have had or will receive appropriate training in scuba diving and that I fully understand the risk of open water diving, as well as traveling on board a boat and the dangers arising from force of nature, and that I am prepared to assume such risks.

In order to be accepted by Reeflex Divers Penida as a Guest for the aforementioned diving/snorkeling activities, I hereby release and absolve Reeflex Divers Penida, its agents, employees and other Guests from any and all damages resulting from death or personal injuries, including loss of services, which I may sustain on account of, arising from, or in connection with the aforementioned diving/snorkeling activities or the ownership, maintenance, use or operation of any vehicle, water sport equipment or other devices.

I further understand that the remoteness of Nusa Penida and its surroundings, local custom and/or prevailing weather conditions may cause minor inconvenience or modification to the dive and or other activities of my trip, and Reeflex Divers Penida reserves the right to modify and/or cancel diving/snorkeling and other arrangements due to unfavourable weather conditions and/or technical difficulties at any time.

I also agree to pay compensation at full current market value to Reeflex Divers Penida for any and all damage or loss of property and equipment belonging to Reeflex Divers Penida resulting from abuse or negligence on my part (exception made of damage due to reasonable and visible wear & tear). This liability waiver is all subject to the terms and conditions below, which have been read, understood and unconditionally agreed to.

I further agree to strictly observe and comply with additional reasonable terms and regulations Reeflex Divers Penida or any of its employees may deem desirable or needful to prescribe during the course of any activities I have subscribed to. »



Cancellations will be acknowledged if received IN WRITING, by email to with the email subject clearly starting with « cancellation ». You can also cancel IN WRITING through WhatsApp (+62 82236229767) or in person DIRECTLY TO THE MANAGEMENT TEAM at Dive Gairah office. No cancellations will be accepted by any other means. Cancellations must be received & acknowledged by Dive Gairah to be valid. 

Special conditions apply to “Early bird” & “Group” bookings (see point 2 below)

1°) For booking that DO NOT qualify for “Early Bird” and/or “Group” discounts: 

a) If you contact us at least twenty four hours prior to the start of booked activities we will do our best to reschedule your booking if you wish to. If Dive GairahPenida allows activities booked to be rescheduled, the rescheduled activities must take place no later than a month after the initial booking date. Note that additional charges may incur for activities booked to be rescheduled.

If you do not wish to reschedule, booking cancellations received at least twenty four hours prior to the agreed start start date of said activities will qualify for a refund, deduction made of 250 000 IDR administrative fee and any transfer and/or bank fees incurring to make said refund.

b) For cancellations made the day prior to the agreed start of the activities booked and before 6pm, Reeflex agrees to refund 50% of the total price of the booking deduction made of any transfer and/or bank fees incurring to make said refund.

c) Past 6pm the day before the agreed start of the activities Dive Gairah applies a NO REFUND policy.

2°) Terms specific to “Early Bird” and or “Group” bookings:


-“Early Bird” bookings are bookings payed for 60 days or more prior to the start of the activities therefore qualifying for an additional 5% discount.

-“Group” bookings are bookings made for 4 or more guests therefore qualifying for an additional 5% discount.

Early bird and/or group bookings are discounted since they allow us to plan for the extra resources needed ahead. This allows us to give you better rates. Unfortunately extra costs incur when cancelling “Early Bird” and/or “Group” bookings. 

If your booking qualifies for both “Early Bird” & “Group” discounts the terms of cancellation & refund for “Early Bird” booking will prevail & will be applied. 

– Terms of cancellation for “Early Bird” bookings are as follow:

a) “Early bird” bookings cancelled more than 30 days prior to the agreed start date of said activities will qualify for a full refund, deduction made of 500 000 IDR administrative fee and any transfer and/or bank fees incurring to make said refund.

b) “Early bird” bookings cancelled within 30 days of the agreed start date of said activities, will be refunded 50% of the total price of the booking deduction made of any transfer and/or bank fees incurring to make said refund.

c) Past 6pm the day before the agreed start of the activities Dive Gairah applies a NO REFUND policy.

– Terms of cancellation for “Group” bookings are as follow:

a) “Group” bookings cancelled more than 7 days prior to the agreed start date of said activities will qualify for a full refund, deduction made of 500 000 IDR administrative fee and any transfer and/or bank fees incurring to make said refund.

b) “Group” bookings cancelled within 7 days of the agreed start date of said activities, will be refunded 50% of the total price of the booking deduction made of any transfer and/or bank fees incurring to make said refund. 

c) Past 6pm the day before the agreed start of the activities Dive Gairah applies a NO REFUND policy.

Note that only cash payments can be refunded in cash and that payments made by any other means will be refunded by bank transfer within the following 30 days of Dive Gairah Penida’s acknowledgement of the said cancellation.


No refund or compensation is due payable by Dive Gairah Penida for any unused activities. In other words, Guests who do not show up at the agreed time or do not complete training / trips for any reason, are not entitled to a refund in full or part of the total cost.

Failure to complete course requirements for any reason caused by the Guest could result in additional charges being made to complete the course at a later stage. This includes not being able to demonstrate competence to meet the performance requirements as laid down by the Course Standards. These charges will cover staff time, any other dive fees, equipment and material requirements, surface time, vehicle or transport charges etc.

If you are not willing or able to pay additional fees to complete your course, a referral document will be issued to you. This document will hold good for a period of 12 months following the completion date of the last part of this course.


Dive Gairah Penida reserves the right to rearrange the order of any itinerary, to cancel or substitute elements of any schedule without notice when local conditions force such changes.

Dive Gairah Penida and the dive guides on the boat can prohibit participation on dives at their discretion based on lack of respect for marine park rules and regulations, lack of respect or “handling” of any marine life, drugs and/or alcohol consumption before and/or between dives or failure to abide by international safe diving practices. In these cases no refund will be granted to the Guest for the missed dives and/or activities.